There have been shorter wars... | ||||
Mike J | Matias C | |||
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Monday, November 23, 2009
Week 9 in Review ((bearded(olxers))/2)
Adrian, who we may recall had entered a grey area defined by inconsistent translations of the Official Rules, gracefully exited the competition. Kudos and hats off to your gentlemanly behavior, and boy-howdy, it must be nice to feel the air on ones face.
Francisco also has taken his leave of the contest, having introduced razor and apparent youth to his face.
Thanks to each for a competition well met. There are two players left in the game:
- Mike
- Matias
Monday, November 16, 2009
Week 8 in Review (Cutting Remarks)
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Friday, November 6, 2009
Week 6 in Review (As the cold fades, resolve melts)
Monday, October 26, 2009
Week 5 in Review (Steady as she grows)
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Week 4 in Review (Steady cadence has it's downside)
- Adrian
- Francisco F
- Matias C
- Mike J
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Week 3 in Review ($totBeardContestants--)
- Adrian
- Francisco F
- Matias C
- Mike J
- Roberto
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Week 2 in Review (Bugle plays Taps)
- Adrian
- Francisco F
- Matias C
- Mike J
- Mike T
- Roberto
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Week 1 in Review (Staying Alive)
Monday, September 14, 2009
Official Contestant List
- Adrian
- Dirk
- Francisco F
- Matias C
- Mike J
- Mike T
- Roberto
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Contestant Draft List (aka, the potentially hairy)
- Dirk M.
- Francisco F.
- Franco F.
- Mike J.
- Mike T.
- Roberto
Reglas Oficiales
Por favor, considere las siguientes reglas, dado que todos los concursantes estaran sujetos a las mismas, hasta el punto final del concurso. Estas normas están sujetas a cambios debido a que fueron concebidas por programadores, quienes a menudo carecen de idea de cómo funciona el mundo real. Dicho esto, ponemos en marcha este esfuerzo para mantener una exposición justa y equilibrada de la hormona masculina y dar perseverancia al concurso.
El concurso de barba de OLX es del tipo “Last Man Standing”. En pocas palabras, la última persona que quede, sin haberse recortado, afeitado o retocado la barba de manera alguna, gana el premio.
Este concurso está abierto sólo para los actuales empleados de OLX.
Al entrar a este concurso, cada participante presta su consentimiento para que las fotografías tomadas periodicamente se publiquen en alguna cartelera, y con un poco de suerte en algun blog humillante, con la marca de OLX. La negativa a aparecer en el blog, o a que sus imágenes sean tomadas, será visto como una renuncia a todos los derechos sobre el premio, y el concursante será libre de hacer uso de su espuma de afeitar y, por fin.
Por el bien de este concurso, la barba se considerará el cabello que crezca desde el norte del cuello hasta y sin incluir el pelo de la cabeza normal, incluyendo la zona de las patillas.
Todos los participantes pueden ajustar / cortar / modificar cualquier pelo que no es parte de la barba.
Los concursantes podrán afeitarse la barba en cualquier momento antes de la fecha de inicio oficial del concurso.
En virtud del mantenimiento de la barba, ESTARA PERMITIDO:
Almacenar alimentos no perecederos o animales pequenos
Acondicionarla de cualquier modo que no implique afeitarla, recortarla o hacer decrecer el bello facial mencionado de forma alguna.
Abandonar el empleo en OLX automáticamente descalifica a cualquier participante del concurso.
Si hay más de 10 participantes en el concurso de Barba de OLX, la estructura de premios se modificará para permitir que un ganador del segundo lugar acceda tambien a un premio, y así sucesivamente. Consulte el listado de premios para obtener información detallada.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Official Rules
Welcome to the OLX beard contest. Unlike many sensitive beard aficionado contests, this contest does not care about how fancy you can make your facial hair appear. Neither is this a contest to see who’s ancestral heritage causes the most hair to sprout from their face, nor does it care how fast it should do so. The purpose of this contest is to see who can stand to have unimpeded, constant and creeping growth of hair, the longest.
Please consider the following rules, as all contestants will be held to them, to the point of sheer trimming. These rules are subject to change on account of that they were thought up by programmers who do not often have a great idea of how the real world works. That said, all effort will be put forth to maintain a fair and balanced exhibition of male hormone and perseverance contest.
The OLX beard contest is of the “Last Man Standing” variety. Simply put, the last person left, having never trimmed, shaved or cut his beard in any way, wins the prize.
This contest is only open for current employees of OLX.
By entering this contest, each contestant agrees to have photographs taken at regular intervals, which will be posted on a public, and with any luck humiliating blog, bearing the OLX brand. Refusal to appear on the blog, or have your pictures taken, will be seen as a forfeiture of all rights to the prize, and the contestant will be free to lather up and shave, at last.
For the sake of this contest, a beard will be considered all hair north of the chest, not including normal head hair, extending from neck, up to and including the side-burn area (roughly the top of the ear-line).
All contestants may trim/cut/modify any hair which is not part of the beard.
Contestants may shave their beard any time prior to the official start date of the contest.
In terms of beard maintenance, you MAY:
- Clean
- Brush
- Wax
- Store food and/or bird in
- Generally groom in any way that does not involve the trimming, cutting, shaving or in any way removing said beard hair.
Leaving the employ of OLX will automatically remove any contestant from the contest.
If there are more than 10 entrants into the OLX beard contest, the prize structure will modify to allow a second place winner, and so forth. See the prize schedule for detailed information.